
Kung Fu Kitty is a book and DVD set, written, narrated and directed by Lauri Bortz with illustrations, set designs and musical score by Marianne Nowottny, videotaped and edited by Mark Dagley, starring Abaton mascot and recording artist Frick-the-Cat. The book is 116 pages, with 42 richly drawn black and white illustrations.

The DVD, shot in high definition color, is 82 minutes long. The musical score is available separately on CD. There is also a sequel to the book, Kung Fu Kitty: Laying Down the Law, illustrated by Michael Gentile, which will be released in 2013. This project, which was begun in 2005, is altogether unrelated to the major motion picture Kung Fu Panda.The story of Kung Fu Kitty is based on Exodus, though it features original Chinese characters rather than Hebrew biblical heroes. Ms. Bortz is seeking out a choreographer to transform the saga into a children’s martial arts ballet. She is also raising funds for a commercial remake of her DVD, which will feature the inimitable puppetry of Flexitoon. The working title of this film is Mo Xi Mao (Moses Cat in Mandarin Chinese).

Kung Fu Kitty - Trailer

Kung Fu Kitty - The Story
Kung Fu Kitty

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